Sib-KruK / Balsam Ginger-silver NOOTROP forte


Sib-KruK / Balsam Ginger-silver NOOTROP forte


SKU: 15459071 Categories: , ,


Manufacturer: Sib-KruK; Category: to improve the functioning of the brain, with high loads and stress, nootropic; Packaging form: bottle; Product volume: 250 ml; Expiration date: 24 months; Country of origin: Russia; Package contents: box, bottle Has a nootropic effect, stimulates the brain. It activates cognitive functions, improves memory. Increases concentration of attention. Improves metabolic processes in nerve tissues. They harmonize the work of the nervous system, reduce nervous tension, emotional overexcitement, irritability. Cluster silver increases the speed and strength of the healing effect of the drug at times. Fructose syrup nourishes the body with energy without overloading with calories and helps to maintain the stability of all valuable extracts from medicinal plants that make up the composition. Prebiotic fibers – acting as an enzyme, they improve the absorption of nutrients contained in the composition, which further increases its effectiveness. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon 15 minutes before meals, or add to tea, coffee, drinks – 3 times a day. 250 ml contains 30-35 tablespoons (for 10-12 days). The optimal duration of admission is 1 month.

Additional information

Weight0.100 kg

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