Mirroll / Aqua D3 15,000 IU, 10 ml / Aqueous solution of vitamin D3


Mirroll / Aqua D3 15,000 IU, 10 ml / Aqueous solution of vitamin D3


SKU: 14388000 Categories: , ,


Manufacturer: Mirroll; Release form: aqueous solution; Contraindications: Urolithiasis, hypercalcemia, hypervitaminosis D3; Category: dietary supplement for immunity, dietary supplement for general strengthening action, Vitamins for the health of bones and joints; Product weight with packaging (g): 33 g; Expiration date: 36 months; Country of origin: Russia; Package contents: bottle, Vitamin D3 Helps to replenish vitamin D3 deficiency, maintain immunity, strengthen bone tissue, increase tone. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, hypervitaminosis D, increased concentration of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia), increased excretion of calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria), urolithiasis (formation of calcium oxalate stones), sarcoidosis, acute and chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys, renal failure , active form of pulmonary tuberculosis. With care: the state of immobilization, when taking thiazides, cardiac glycosides (especially digitalis glycosides). How to use: To prevent vitamin D3 deficiency, take with meals: 500 IU (one drop) per day. Duration of admission: 3 months. If necessary, the course can be extended or repeated. Before using it is necessary to consult a doctor. Possible repeated appointments throughout the year.

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Weight0.100 kg

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