HSN / HSN / Vitamin complex Omega 3/90 capsules / Fish oil capsules / Omega 3 / To strengthen the immune system


HSN / HSN / Vitamin complex Omega 3/90 capsules / Fish oil capsules / Omega 3 / To strengthen the immune system


SKU: 20872275 Categories: , ,


Manufacturer: HSN; Release form: in capsules; Category: sports nutrition, fish oil, For the whole family; Packing: can; Number of capsules / tablets: 90 pcs.; Expiration date: 24 months; Country of origin: Russia; Package Contents: HSN Omega 3 – 90 capsules 1 piece Unsaturated fatty acids that are not produced by the body. With their lack, various biochemical and physiological failures occur. Fatty acids of the Omega type are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, the beauty of hair and nails, excellent well-being and a balanced diet.

Additional information

Weight0.100 kg

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