Confitrade / Sweetbox FABULOUS PATROL Ascorbinka with a toy in a box, 4 pcs, 30g each.


Confitrade / Sweetbox FABULOUS PATROL Ascorbinka with a toy in a box, 4 pcs, 30g each.


SKU: 15327876 Categories: , ,


Manufacturer: Confitrade; Category: vitamins, dietary supplements, vitamin c; Expiration date: 30 months; Country of origin: Russia; Equipment: block Cardboard box with a toy and ascorbic acid inside. Box with full color printing and design. Only 2 designs of an individual box. Each box contains a collectible 3D toy Fairy Patrol in an individual bag with a design and a leaflet. 8 toys in the collection. Each box contains ascorbic acid in a sealed food packaging with a design. Chewable tablets weighing 30 g, 10 pcs, wrapped in a hermetically sealed film, orange flavor.

Additional information

Weight0.100 kg

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